SOLVED: Could not initialize Traktor. Logfile “Traktor.log” could not be accessed and is propably write protected.

This morning I woke up and my mac had shut down, later I discovered Traktor Pro 3 wasn’t working:

“Could not initialize Traktor. Logfile “Traktor.log” could not be accessed and is propably write protected.”

could not initialize traktor pro dj 3

To fix this, all you need to do is go into System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy (tab) > Scroll down to “Full disk access” and select the Traktor app from the list.

If you don’t see it on the list, click the + buttton to add it (you’ll find the app file in Applications > Native Instruments > Traktor).

Lastly, you may need to click the padlock and enter your password to make the changes.

Traktor.log could not be accessed - write protected